
16 August 2013


I have been on holiday to Italy!
Verbania and Cannobio.
We, my parents, my boyfriend, his parents and I, were there for two weeks, at the lake called 'Lago Maggoire'.
It was such a beautiful place! I totally love those Italian villages, with their small lanes and platforms and, oh it's just so lovely!
The weather was great too! The first week was hot, the second was just good weather, only sometimes it rained or there was (really loud) thunderstorm. Yep, that's also Italy.
The first week we had an apartment in Fondotoce, a small village nearby Verbania. Our apartment was in the middle of nowhere. 
Well, okay, not really in the middle of nowhere, but it was quiet and surrounded by trees, and palm-trees. I like palm-trees! You won't see them very soon in the Netherlands. ;)
On Wednesday 31 July we went to MILAN
What a beautiful city! 
So much handsome, Italian, businessmen over there, and all of the women are dressed so fashionable! Very much women wore beautiful dresses! 
I also bought a dress in Milan! in the 'JDC urban store', it's a beautiful dress, it's mint colored and a very nice cloth. I am really happy with my purchase!

The second week we were at Maccagno, nearby Luino. This apartment was at an opposite place as our previous, it was in the village center, and we shared the house with multiple families. The beach of the lake was very close, the beach wasn't an amazing beach; instead of sand was it full of little rocks.. Kind of like a rough massage for your feet... 
We also visited three small islands! These islands are called; Isola Madre, Isola Pescina and Isola Bella. These islands are full of beautiful gardens! We had wonderful weather, so we could take really good photographs. Every island had a palace, all really huge and very beautiful! The palace on Isola Madre had a lot rooms which were filled with marionettes, made a long time ago, of course. The people seemed to love the creepy part of theater, because a lot of the marionettes had angry or creepy faces, or they were devils or monsters... They did really creep me out!
In one of the rooms in the palace on Isola Bella had Napoleon slept. Too bad that we couldn't jump on the bed he slept in, because it looked like a really nice, soft, and most of all: BIG bed! 
I've had a holiday to remember!

See you soon!
Me, Isola pescina, a rose from Isola Bella, and a view from Isola Bella.
Flowers from the gardens we've visited.

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